Monday, October 24, 2011

Spicing it up with Sports for Lab 3

The children this week became more familiar with us especially wearing the sports jersey's. At first, the small tag games we played on the playground was fun and many of the kids try to cling on to us like we are older brother's, sister's, or cousins. The majority of the kids were active for the whole time outside which is great. At one point, I asked a student to play another game of mine and they said they were tired. Later, when I read to the kid's, I really sparked their imagination. Doing that was a good way to keep their attention. Once while I was reading one or two kids were so excited about the book, they were being disruptive but I kept reading to the students and didn't try to talk over them and it brought the noise level down and their attention right back to the book. Afterwards, a teacher praised me for the teaching strategy. Click here to read more.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 2 at St. Mary's

Day number two at St. Mary's Catholic school was a good learning experience. I learned and incorporated some new teaching strategies. When I taught my activity, I captured their attention by relating to them with a movie 'Finding Nemo' that related to my game. Next time with my directions, I will make them shorter and precise to avoid loosing the kids attention.  During my game I integrated a good habit. Encouraging the students to put the balls back into the basket after getting tagged helps them remember to put things away. Just like at home, helping the students pick up after themselves. Incorporating good habits. I felt I kept my composure through the game and I used a whistle while leading so the students knew who was giving direction. Check this link to see more about teaching strategies and the kid's abilities observed.