Sunday, December 18, 2011

Prezi with video clip

Lab 6 reflection!

Or final lab at St. Mary's Catholic school was another great learning experience for teaching. Our group had the pre-k kids again. My group and I played outside first and the kid's especially Lucas had fun sliding down the slide giving us, teacher candidates high fives. The kid's look up to us which is most important for the both of us. Everyone went inside and my group led activities in the gym. I led a Snowman Tag game with taggers and 'savers' wearing different colored pinnies. The group and I later played a gamer with everyone in a circle that where the object was to hit the ball through each others legs. That game was fun and the kid's had just as much fun too.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bouncing off the Walls at St. Mary's

This past week my group and I provided games and activities in the beginning for the students to practice and demonstrate the basic motor skills: stationary bounce, kick. It was kid of frustrating when the students arrived that half of them ran to the bleachers and refused to participate.Although, the few students who did participate performed the basic motor skills well and a few struggled. One student who I could tell might have been a bit younger than the other student's couldn't dribble a ball. I worked with him and gave him some special attention but he still got discouraged. He said: "I can't do it" I told him he could with some practice. I also told him not to say he can't do something. A big thing for these kids is having us come in. We are role models to these kids and provide support for physical education and far more. Check out this link to see my lab five review!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Check out these dribbling skills!

Click this out to see these dibbling skills and this young kid's talent and high work ethic!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween at St. Mary's

This week at St. Mary's was wild because of Halloween! The kids were excited to go trick or treating which was difficult to keep their attention. The majority of the parent picked up their kids early. So leading activities later on in the lab was a challenge. Most of us Cortland teacher candidates dressed up and many students loved it and clung on to us. Click the link below to see more about the fine details about lab 4 at St. Mary's.

Check this out!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Spicing it up with Sports for Lab 3

The children this week became more familiar with us especially wearing the sports jersey's. At first, the small tag games we played on the playground was fun and many of the kids try to cling on to us like we are older brother's, sister's, or cousins. The majority of the kids were active for the whole time outside which is great. At one point, I asked a student to play another game of mine and they said they were tired. Later, when I read to the kid's, I really sparked their imagination. Doing that was a good way to keep their attention. Once while I was reading one or two kids were so excited about the book, they were being disruptive but I kept reading to the students and didn't try to talk over them and it brought the noise level down and their attention right back to the book. Afterwards, a teacher praised me for the teaching strategy. Click here to read more.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 2 at St. Mary's

Day number two at St. Mary's Catholic school was a good learning experience. I learned and incorporated some new teaching strategies. When I taught my activity, I captured their attention by relating to them with a movie 'Finding Nemo' that related to my game. Next time with my directions, I will make them shorter and precise to avoid loosing the kids attention.  During my game I integrated a good habit. Encouraging the students to put the balls back into the basket after getting tagged helps them remember to put things away. Just like at home, helping the students pick up after themselves. Incorporating good habits. I felt I kept my composure through the game and I used a whistle while leading so the students knew who was giving direction. Check this link to see more about teaching strategies and the kid's abilities observed.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Summary of Chapters 1-3

Summary of Chapters 1-3

Devon Howard

PED 201 Section 600
Professor Yang
September 19, 2011

                                                                                                                        Howard 1

Today, our youth doesn’t get near the enough physical activity that it should. This needs to change. Examples used in the book like increases of obesity, early puberty, school violence make a convincing argument that the kids of our youth are not doing things right. From chapter one, movement skill learning and physical fitness are crucial to lifetime wellness and play. Learning the fundamentals like learning to move and setting goals for children are associated with lifelong success and is a way to steer clear of obesity and violence in children. Motor development and motor skills closely correlate to physical fitness and health related fitness. Skills these kids learn early in life carry along with into adulthood. Cognitive learning is based on thinking. By means of physical education, thinking plays a large role in learning. Attitude, character and moral are aspects of positive socialization. P.E, sports, or recreation forces students to interact with others; mostly by play. Play should be carried out through life, not just childhood in my opinion.
During adolescence, kids grow differently physically and on different scales. Some factors that affect childhood growth are nutrition, physical activity, illness and the lifestyle at home. Growth retardation is a terrible thing that is influenced by malnutrition. Mostly in the first five years of life. Childhood obesity is a huge problem in today’s society and is not getting better. Obesity and it’s affect on or children impact motor development. The parents are to blame in my opinion. In children, activity promotes muscle development. Physical activity is necessary for strong, healthy kids. Secular trends means that our lifestyles have changed; causing or children to be heavier, taller

Howard 2
and to mature sexually at an earlier age compared children generations ago. Children’s development is based a lot on basic locomotor skills and motor, cognitive, and affective characteristics.
            Young kids might not understand the importance of developing movement skills. But teachers teach through play. There are three categories of movement. Stability, locomotion, and manipulation can be organized according to different sport skill themes. Stability movement skills are basic like stretching. Locomotor are easy as walking/running. Manipulative skills consist or catching throwing or bouncing. These stability, locomotor and manipulative skills are choreographed into a sport or the art of making a layup in basketball. The best part is that students from a young age learn these skills through play. The most important part of this chapter in my opinion is encouragement. Us as teachers need to encourage encouragement! Kids need to believe they are needed and have support. Motivating kids is important to benefit learning and being a positive role model to the students.

Do you see a problem?

Why do so many people of our generation downgrade physical education? What's gone wrong? Why do many of our peers look at phys. ed. as a joke, or not a real class/subject? I've heard "it's just 'gym' class," to many times!

Our Main Goal

Teach our youth early in life for a healthy and positive lifestyle in Phys ed!

Lab One Observation

Lab one

Tuesday, September 13, 2011