Monday, February 27, 2012

255- Lab C teaching Reflection

Today I taught Lab C through the Canadian game of Omnikin. When I viewed my video after I taught, I felt better about my performance today. I also received some good feedback from the teacher assistants. For my next teaching experience I learned that I should be a bit more organized. This game was totally new for me and my peers, so it was a challenge to teach in a twelve minute lesson but I viewed it to be a good opportunity to learn and improve my teaching ability. Next time i'll hit more on expectations and use visual aids a bit more. During my lesson, I noticed almost all the students laughing and smiling. Hopefully from a combination of my teaching strategy and the fun game of Omnikin! During the lesson, students were moving more than the majority of the time, which is extremely beneficial to learning through the physical.

Check out some pictures from me teaching this lesson!

Lab C- Time Coding

Sunday, February 26, 2012

255- Friday (2-24-12)

Class was another good learning experience for Lab C. Plus I brainstormed about my lesson play and 40 tasks. My lesson revolves around high school age(10th) kids. In my lesson I plan on incorporating defense and defending opponents serves. In my lesson based on the age group, I want to have the students moving the most through game play and less standing around. I'm going to make my demonstration as quick as possible. I thought of a creative hook to get the students attention and likewise a interesting lead to the next lesson!

255 -wed class reflection

My classmates started to teach Lab C and I learned from some mistakes and positive teaching styles. When I teach, my instant activity is going to be different, and challenging. During my lesson, I plan on scaffolding, using my voice and a whistle to command attention. I liked how some other student's lessons 'flowed'.

Check out this video of Omnikin what I'm teaching in Lab C for my P.E class!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

EDU-255- 2/22/2- class reflection

Today's class was the first for teaching Lab C. Other students taught and I learned a few things for when I teach. Using progressions for the different style of games is important for students to learn new concepts. Today's i'm going to work on my lesson plan and 40 tasks. The game we played today though with the four tables was a lot of fun! In a P.E. class, I think students would go nuts for this game!

Monday, February 20, 2012

255 Class Reflection (mon, 2-20-2012)

Today our TA gave a demonstration of Lab C and it was a good learning experience. Some points I'd like to mention are how she used the concept of scaffolding to another lesson. She also gave good positive feedback with her cues and teaching points. I liked the way she made the cues easy for beginners. Teaching is a lot like acting. Her topic was Rugby and although twelve minutes isn't a lot of time to introduce and teach skills, and gameplay of a sport it was a good learning experience.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

255 Homework

Devon Howard
Chapter 4- 2,8,17
Chapter 5-1,3,5

2.) What are some things teachers can do to improve communication with learners in task presentation?
     Most importantly, teachers need to have the student's attention to covey learning and give feedback.  Teachers should give examples, and non examples. Repeat difficult tasks, and most importantly check for understanding.
8.) What are some major causes of student inattention? How can the teacher best prevent inattention?
      Causes for student in attention may be a result of being flat out bored. If the teacher is bored teaching, then the students are most likely bored learning. A student may not be able to see the teachers face or cannot hear as a result of bad communication. Also,  if the lesson isn't flowing, the students attention will most likely be lost. Teacher's can prevent inattention by making the lesson fun. Also, by using effective forms of communication and getting the students involved with the lesson. Checking for understand is a great example, of a way to keep the students attention.

1.) Identify and describe the three different content moves that establish progression and represent the way the teacher develops lesson content. 
      Establishing progression and representing teacher development consists of extension (establishing progressions. Refinement (quality of performance), and application ( give students opportunity to apply/assess their skills).

3.) How should the progression established for an open skill differ from that of a closed skill?
     Progressions for closed skills should be introduced in the simplest environment and extend practice into all environments used in activity. Practice of open skills in closed environments should be limited. 

5.) Develop the extension column for a closed skill and open skill, attending to the unique aspects of progression established in the chapter. 
     Ex. Basketball Dribble:
          Extension: Dribble a ball in personal space. Dribble and pass the ball. Maintain possession against a defensive player.


255 class Transcript of Lab B

 Lab B- Transcript
Check out the link about to see exactly what I said and performed in Lab B in my 255 class!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

2012: My Technology in Fitness

255- Friday, Feb.10th

Today in class, I watched other students have their opportunity to teach Lab B and I noticed some great positive teaching styles and a few points where my classmates made a mistake. I liked how some other students used their visual aid, although realistically a visual aid is going to be used for every lesson in a common P.E class. Keeping cues, short, and realistic, limited to (3) is best. It was difficult to hear some of the students leading an activity over the loud noise of the jump ropes hitting the floor. I learned using our voices and or a whistle to communicate is necessary.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lab B in my 255 Teaching Class!

From this teaching experience, I learned that maybe next time I can use my visual aid a bit more. Perhaps review it at the beginning of my lesson, so I don't forget. Another aspect of the lesson I would like to improve is to use my voice to get everyone to stop to give further instructions. It was difficult to hear over the loud noise of the jump ropes hitting the gym floor. My demonstration could have been better too. But I thought I did well for going first in the class.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

255- Monday, Feb 5th

Today in class I had the chance to speak with some of the teacher assistants about improving my lesson. Also the shotgun game gave me some ideas to improve on what to do and what not to do. Using progressions with young students while teaching a jump rope activity is important. when I teach my lesson tomorrow, I plan to start without using the ropes and then introduce them. Today I wrote on paper my lesson. What I was going to say word for word with the different steps. That's helping me prepare.

Friday, February 3, 2012

255- Wed, 2/1/12

In class we learned a bit more about making a lesson plan which will help me become a better physical educator. The first half of class we were in the gymnasium, then the classroom. One thing I enjoy about our 255 class is that we are always moving. That is one aspect of P.E that is crucial to improving health and fitness for children; one thing that I want to improve for our youth.

255- Fri, 2/3/12 Reflection.

Today our class worked with our teacher assistants brainstorming to teach our Lab B-Jump rope skills. Today I practiced my skill, the 'skier'. The Skier is jumping with feet together side to side while jump roping. Some of the TA's gave me some good advice for my my next time to teach. I plan on making my interest catcher very unique so it get's the class motivated to learn my skill. I'm also going to use a few progressions for the student's and I have some fun variations for higher skilled jump ropers.